martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Glossary in general :3

Unit 2
Aid: ayuda
Ash: ceniza
Break out:  empezar
Burn: qumar
casual: informal
Collapsed : derrumbado
Crop: cosecha
Dangerous: pelgroso
Drown: ahogarse
Earthquake: terremoto
Fearlesss : intrépido
Flame: llama
Flood: Inundación
Hit: golpear
Homeless: Sin hogar
Hunger: hambre
Ignore: ignorar
Mud: lodo
Strike: Golpear
Trapped: Supervival
Unit 3
A way out of: forma de librarse
Advvert : anuncio
burgal: ladrón
cartoon: dibujos animados
crew: equipo
Hijack: Secuestrar
Mug: atracar
parachute: paracaídas
Sit-comm: comedia de situación
Vase : jarrón
Unit 4
Advance: avanzado
behave: portarse
Cloak: capa
Hide: esconder
Include: incluir
Laser beam : rayo láser
Microchip : Microchip
Sneaky: engañoso
wonder: Preguntarse
Unit 5
Abstract: abstractto
arrange: disponer
Canvas: lienzo
Cheerful: vivo
complex: complejo
Drawing: dibujo
flat: plano
Land: aterrizar
Lovely: precioso
Penthouse: ático
Realistic: realista
Rougth: áspero
Shiny : brillante
Smooth: suave
Talented: talentoso
Unit 6
Admit: admitir
Agree: consentir
Cell: celda
Considerate: atento
Exotic: exotico
Kind: exótico
Neglected: abandonado
shoking: escandaloso
Wild: naturaleza
Unit 7
Advice. aviso
Breathe: respirar
Cheek: mejilla
Claim: afirmar
Flu: gripe
Itchy: irritado
Pain: dolor
Put on : ponerse
Swollen: hinchado
Vanish: desaparecer

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015

Idiooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooms lmao

-"You should let sleeping the dogs like":  Let something before began worse.
-"Don´t count your chickens before the eggs have hached" : Don´t  make planes before you do something "necessary"
-"To let the cat out of the bag": To revel a confident secret . " Irse de la lengua"
-"Elvis has left the building": When a big evnet or small have finished or when the end is uncaming."Todo el pescado vendido"
-"Don´t cry over spilt milk": When you began sad because something of the past . Pasado pisaaaaaaado
-"Take it witha grain of sault": Not to take personally or bad.
-"Thast the best seen slice bread": When you descovery something new and it´s really good.
-"It´s cost and arm and a leg": Something really expensive."Cuesta un ojo de la cara
-"Speak of the devil": "Hablando del rey de roma con connotaciones negativas"
-"To be the devil advocate": To get a contradiction opinion of something.
-"Elian have a memory like and elephand": It means that soembody have a really good memory
-"A big fish": Soembody important like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3