jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Ef Glosssary

You are it: te la quedas
On the floor: en el suelo
Line up: haced una fila
Let’s do: hagamos
Listen up: escuchad
Have a nice day: que tengas un buen día
Safety reasons: medidas de seguridad
You should: deberías
In theory: en teoría 
Dot line: Línea de puntos
No player is allowed: i dont know

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

The day of no rubbish

In this day you can ´t eat anything because the food is rubbish. You can ´t buy anythiung , becayse when you buy something you are trowing rubbish.You can ´t use the car because you are dameging the envioronemt , of course you can ´t use the bus and call a taxi. In this day you can ´t do anythiung except going to rycle or clean up your village. This day was created because a oour man died because the rubbish kill him.

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Glossary geography 2

Temperature:The degree of hotness of a body,substance,or medium.
Oases:A fertile patch in a desert occurring where the water table appoaches o reaches the ground surface
Precipitation:Rain,snow,sleet,dew,etc,formed by condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere.
Settlement:The establishment of a new region;colonization.Livestock:Cattle,horses,poultry, and similar animals kept for domestic use but not as pets.
livesstrock: animals kept for domestic use but not as pets.
tundra: high alitude zone covered by ice and composed by small plants. Its fauna is made up of birds and insects.   
Flood: the inundation of land that is usualy dry. 
Hurricane: destructive storm
Scrub: an area of arid land covered with such vegetation.
Desesrt: a region with no vegetation due to low rainfall.
Crub : an area of arid land covered with such vegetation.

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Recycle in EE.UU

All the house of the country have  law of have a 2 container.One grey an other blue. In the grey one you put the organic food and in the blue you put paper  , paperboard.. . All the mondays the garbarge truck and take the grey one  ; they have a program who detects  the things is rong in this container and if the program detects something you get a fine. The same at tuesday but with the blue container.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

Glossary of geography unit 1

Inlent : a thin channel of water the leads inland from the sea.
Headland : a small area of land the projetcs out into the ocean
Peninsula : a large area of land the projetcs out surrolend by water on three sides
Valley: is a linear depression in the land
Plateau :: is a flat area of land which sits a certain altitude above sea level
Oceanic ridge: is an underwater mountain range that generally covers a large area and reach high altitudes.
Oceanic trench: is a long depression on the ocean floor that can be thousand of metres deep.
Continental sheilf: the undersea extension of continent that descends gradually to depths of around 400 m.
Continetal slope: is a steep underwater area that links the continental shelf with the ocean floor

Cape: is a headland of large size extending into the water.
Massif: Alarge mountain compact group of connected mountains.
Isthmus: Is a thin strip of land connecting two land masses.
Relief: The difference in height in vast area

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

White chocolat

The white chocolat was created by the swiss people.Shorty after the first world war.The first company of fabricate this type of chocolat was Nesle. One year later a company of EEUU introduced this type of chocolat in his country  and people love it.The white chocolat dont have the characteristics than the black chocolat , it is unhealthy and it have caffeine.
A photo ;)
White chocolate with rose petals.jpg

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013


It ´s not my cup of tea : if something you don t like much we use this espression 
I wouldn ´t do it for all the tea in China : We use this expression if there´s somethings we would never do it
Its as good as a chocolate teaptot : we use this expression if somethings is complety useless

He´gonne bananas : In english if someone is very emotional and start shouting and he huing in a crazy way.
Its a casa of sour gropes : In english if somebody pretends not to be impressed by something because she / he have jelous we use this expression
A second bite of the cherry : In English if we try too do something a second a thing because we failed finist , we use this expression.

There are plenty more fish in the sea : It means that there are other choices in a sitiuation , it is ofter said to comfort someone who had a romantic break up
The icing on the cake : it is used to refer to something good witch is added to  an already good thing on situation
It ´s just not cricket : is used in English yo say is dishonest 
To toy with ( some body or something ) : means not to take something s feeling seriusly 
A toyboy : is the younger boy freind of an older person.
Like a ton of bricks : it is used to express something that is very heavy this expresion can be used  for are over wegth or idiomatically.
To fly the nest : means to leave your parents home for thefirst time go and live somewhere else
A nest egg : is an amount of money you have saved in the future 
I wasn ´t born yesterday : if someone  try to lie you , ypu can use this expression 
To have a whale of a time : means to have a lot of jun while doinging something
Size of a whale : it is and impolite way of saying thay are lurge and overwheit.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Welcome to my blog

Hi guys what s up ! Welcome to the best blog in the bilingual project !
In this blog I write the things that Ascen say because she is my favorite teacher and a lot of vocabulary because I love english  see you soon people!!
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