jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

New York

I want to go to New York again because I want to walk in the wall street and do pictures with the bull of course , also I want to do pictures in the Empire States and walk in the Central Park. In New york I want to be in a roller coaster in Coney Island and also walk is Chinatown.I love New York in general so i want to visit the museum of history and the natural museum. I hear in New York all the things are big so I want a really big hamburger ñam ñam ! Also I have some freinds so  I wnat to see they again. That´s my reason to go to New  York

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

Culture differences

As we know Spain have a really different  customs and manners than a country of Asia or América , for live one each other we have to know this customs and manners and respect it , in this project we are gonna explain this differences :
-In Spain "normally" is really normal to wake really later in general , in UK or USA the rythm of life is diferent u wake up earlier and go to the bed earlier
-In Spain we hate together in family but in USA eat every man form him self
-In Spain we "normally" don´t burp after a lunch but in Arebia saudí is a polite way to say the food was good.
-In Spain we speak really loud but more or less in the rest of the wourdl don´t
-In Spain the people kiss one each other but in other countrys dont like to get kiss
And boualá there are some differences :))


Hi evrybodyyy!
Is really nice to see you all of you one year more , I think this gonna be a really funny year , of course we are gonna miis Ascen ;(( but i think we are gonna have a really good time and leard a lot with Cristina ! our new teacher of this year , so Nothing more see you on class :))))