miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

English expressions

1. To ask to the moon : means to demand something impossible
2. When you hold the fort it means you take care of a place when the person normally in change the way
3. Under the table is a phrase used to discrive a secretive behavoir often suggestin corruption
4. To hourse around means to behave in a silly way making noise...
5 When you say someone chiken out of something you mean they have failed to do something or they haven ´t tiried to do because they were afraid
6.When you say someone isa wise old owl you mean they are very experience in life.
7.A nigth owl is someone who stays up late into the nigth
8.When you say someone is in safe hands you mean they are being cared for someone
9.A safe pair of hands is a similar expression to refers to someone who can be trusted to do a good job avoinding mistakes
10.If someone tells you to hold the tongue it means they want you to stop talking because he dont like what you are saying.
11.If asituation is black and white it means you have a clear opionion.
12.The prahse money  doesn ´t grow on the trees you must dont spend a lot of money
13.the prhase money isn´t a objet means that you have a lot of money aviable to spend

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