sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014

Glossary Term 1

Unit 1and also halloweeen
Pale: lacking strong or natural colour
Shriek: higth-pitched scream
Sniff: like cough but more  noisy
Glooomy: dark or overcast
VAT: value-added tax
Ghost town: a town is deserted
Say this food is so bomb: is say something is really good
Alley: Narrow dark street
Silver screen: black and white
Itenary: travel plan
Customs: airport lugage-check area
Reliable: trustworthy
Dome: rounded roof
Live it up : enjoying the life
Let´s bail : leave someone
Why you putting me on blast ?: embarrassed someone in public
Steam:Water vapour
Failure: unsuccesful attemp
Couch: sofá
Unit 2
Ash: the gray or black powdery matter that remais after burning
Oil spoll: pretoleum spillage
Strike : hit
Scrumptions: delicius
Auberigine: eggplant
Heine :join un a door farme
Tuxido : smoking
Drown : to die from being put under water
Basemet : a floor or story of a building
Sway: move or swin from side to side
 Heine: joint in a door frame

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

New York

I want to go to New York again because I want to walk in the wall street and do pictures with the bull of course , also I want to do pictures in the Empire States and walk in the Central Park. In New york I want to be in a roller coaster in Coney Island and also walk is Chinatown.I love New York in general so i want to visit the museum of history and the natural museum. I hear in New York all the things are big so I want a really big hamburger ñam ñam ! Also I have some freinds so  I wnat to see they again. That´s my reason to go to New  York

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

Culture differences

As we know Spain have a really different  customs and manners than a country of Asia or América , for live one each other we have to know this customs and manners and respect it , in this project we are gonna explain this differences :
-In Spain "normally" is really normal to wake really later in general , in UK or USA the rythm of life is diferent u wake up earlier and go to the bed earlier
-In Spain we hate together in family but in USA eat every man form him self
-In Spain we "normally" don´t burp after a lunch but in Arebia saudí is a polite way to say the food was good.
-In Spain we speak really loud but more or less in the rest of the wourdl don´t
-In Spain the people kiss one each other but in other countrys dont like to get kiss
And boualá there are some differences :))


Hi evrybodyyy!
Is really nice to see you all of you one year more , I think this gonna be a really funny year , of course we are gonna miis Ascen ;(( but i think we are gonna have a really good time and leard a lot with Cristina ! our new teacher of this year , so Nothing more see you on class :))))

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Glossary 10

Cereals:Grasses grown for the edible components of their grain, such as rice and wheat.
Mortgage:A loan to finance the purchase of private residential or commercial property.
Speculatio:Investment in stocks, property of other assets in the hope of gain, but with the risk of loss.
Crop:A cultivated plant to be harvested as food, animal fodder, fuel or for any other economic purpose.
Agricultural landscap: A landscape that has been transformed by people to cultivate crops and/or rear livestock.
Cultural heritag:theings, places and practices that define who we are as individuals, as communities, as nations or cultures.
Domestic touris:Tourism in which tourists do not leave their own country.
Large-scale tourism:Travel and accommodation offered to large groups at affordable prices by tour operators.
Tour operator:A company that combines tour and travel components to cater for large-scale tourism.
High-speed rail:A type of rail transport involving high-speed trains.
Peak season:The season when travel is most active and rates are highest.

Glossary unit 9

Freight: goods or produce transported by ship, aircraft, train, lorry or van.
Capital flows: the money that is moved around the world
Exports: goods or services that are sold outside the country where they are produced.
Imports: goods or services that are brought into a country from abroad for sale.
Balance of trade: the difference between the monetary value of the exports and the imports of a country.
Balance of payments: all monetary transactions between a country and the world
Retail: a type of trade in which businesses sell small quantities of goods directly to consumers.
Wholesale: trade in which buyers purchase large quantities of goods and sell them, in smaller quantities, to other companies.
Trade bloc: a group of countries that join together to form an area with special trade regulations.
Transport network: the connection of road, railway lines, ports or airports that facilitate the transport of goods and/or people.
Market: the meeting of buyers and sellers of goods and services. It can be tangible or abstract and it decides the prices of goods and services
Infrastructure: the basic physical and organizational structures needed for an economy to function.
Trade: the buying and selling of goods
Bartering: the first way of trading in history
Tourism: a sector dedicated to travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.
Information society: society in which revolutionary advances an IT dominate the economy

Glossary unit 8

Mechanization: The use of machinery in the production processMining: The process of extracting minerals from the ground
Mineral: a naturally occurring solid chemical substance such as bauxite. 
Fossile fuel.: fuel that is formed by the decomposition of buried organic material, and exposure to heat and pressure, producing substances such as coal, oil and gas.
Industry:  any economic activity that produces a service or transforms raw material into consumer goods.
Irrigated farming: is the artificial application of water to the land or soil
Energy: power that comes from the utilization of physical or chemical resources to provide light and heat or to work machines.
Biomass: organic material used as a fuel that releases energy when burned
Management: the people that run a company and ensure that goods and services of a high enough quality are produced and sold at competitive prices.             
Workforce:  the employees required to produce goods and services.                                         Wind turbine: a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy to drive machinery or generate electricity. 
 Solar panel:  is a set of solar photovoltaic modules electrically connected and mounted on a supporting structure.
Renawanable energy source that is inexhaustible.
Non-rewanable energy: energy source that is limited.
Traditional energy: Nuclear , termic...
Alternative energy: solar , eolic

P.E : Work

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

The inventon was invented in 1450 by Gutenbetg , thin invention will rebulucionated the culture of the people in that age because with this invention thay cuold do more copys of the books and the peoply will read more , this invention create the newspaper

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Fair Trade

Vocabulary about the Lost wolrd

Perplexed: Confuse
Beard: The hair that grows in the face of a man
Sceptical: Not be sure if something is true
Prove: Demostrate/justify
Beaks: The projecting jaws of a bird 
Remains: Cadaver/fossil
Pinnacle: The highest peak or level of something
Footprint: An indentation or outline of the foot of a person or animal on a surface
Bit: A small piece, portion, or quantity
Stick: A small thin branch of a tree
Chin: The front part of the face below the lips
Entire: Whole/complete
Towards: About to happen 
Spears: A weapon consisting of a long shaft with a sharp pointed end of metal, stone, or wood that may be thrown or thrust
Weapons: An object or instrument used in fighting
Nodd: To lower and raise (the head) briefly, as to indicate agreement 
Ropes: A thick cord
Hatchets: A short axe
Branches: Is a small tree part
Whisper: To speak in a soft tone
Grotesque: Strangely
Chief: The leader in a group
Clerk: A worker in a office

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Extra work

I would like to go to " Los Angeles "  because is a really beautiful city , it have a lot of museums like Nethercutt ( there you can see old cars ) , Natural History Museum ( there you can see the evolution of humans ) a lot of museums of arts etc..another reason why i want to go to " Los Angeles " is its parks and natural areas like Griffithpark or Getty center they are so beatiful ,   but my first reason to go to " Los Angeles is that it is a culture city , I mean it have one of the best university in the world for science ( in my opinion ) it calling UCLA and is in the center of " Los Angeles " , also there are an observatory to study the starts. " Los Angeles " have Hollywood  but i don´t like the cinema so i dont want to go to " Los Angeles " to go to Hollywood and thats all and remember " Los Angeles to city of the dreams "

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

English expressions

1. To ask to the moon : means to demand something impossible
2. When you hold the fort it means you take care of a place when the person normally in change the way
3. Under the table is a phrase used to discrive a secretive behavoir often suggestin corruption
4. To hourse around means to behave in a silly way making noise...
5 When you say someone chiken out of something you mean they have failed to do something or they haven ´t tiried to do because they were afraid
6.When you say someone isa wise old owl you mean they are very experience in life.
7.A nigth owl is someone who stays up late into the nigth
8.When you say someone is in safe hands you mean they are being cared for someone
9.A safe pair of hands is a similar expression to refers to someone who can be trusted to do a good job avoinding mistakes
10.If someone tells you to hold the tongue it means they want you to stop talking because he dont like what you are saying.
11.If asituation is black and white it means you have a clear opionion.
12.The prahse money  doesn ´t grow on the trees you must dont spend a lot of money
13.the prhase money isn´t a objet means that you have a lot of money aviable to spend

The big question of Social Sciences

Do you think is important de Constitution for us ?
Yes , because if we dont have contitution a, the goverment can do what ever they want , I mean for example in the constitution say all of you have human rigths and the political cant do a law for prohibit this because is in the constitution. Can you imagine a world with out the constitution ?

Our e-mail for a foreign student

Hello Zoey, We look forward to seeing you here in Spain. Just wait and see; we are going to show you a lot of things. We have already made the program of the things we will do each day. Here is what we have planned:
 -Day 1: You will arrive at Madrid´s airport, and you then take a bus to Salamanca. This day you won´t do anything because you will be tired after the flight.
 -Day 2: We will visit Salamanca and show you the most important places and buildings in the city, like the cathedral and the Main Square. We will also show you the academy where you are going to learn Spanish. After that we will go home for dinner and that’s the end of the day.
 -Day 3: You will have to wake up early to go to the academy. The classes are from nine o´clock to two o´clock. After that you will have lunch in Salamanca with the other students who go to the academy, and when you have had lunch you will have free time for doing whatever you want.
 -Day 4: You will have classes in the morning and in the afternoon we will have an excursion to Zamora to see one of the famous processions which are typical for the Spanish Holy Week.
 -Day 5: You won´t go the academy because we will make another excursion to Madrid, to see famous places like the Royal Palace and the Main Square. After that we will eat there and we will come back to Salamanca late in the afternoon.
 -Day 6: You will go to class like the other days, and after that we will go to La Alberca, which is a very beautiful village in the mountains. Perhaps we can also go to La Covatilla, which is a skiing resort.
 -Day 7: You will take a bus to Madrid, and then you will take a plane in Barajas to go back to England. We hope that you will enjoy your stay here. See you soon. Best regards,
 Elián and Julián.

My ideal city

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Social glossary unit 4

Free movement- Legal permission for goods, capital, services, or workers to leave one country and enter another country without extra taxes.Common market - A group of countries that have a formal agreement for trading among themselves and how they trade with countries outside the group.
Monetary union- Two or more countries with a single currency, or different currencies having a fixed mutual exchange rate monitored and controlled by one central bank.
Cohesion- Tendency to unite.
Treaty - A formal agreement or contract between two or more states, such as an alliance or trade arrangement.Heterogeneity - The quality or state of being heterogeneous.
Homogeneous- Composed of unrelated or differing parts or elements.Outsourcing- To work to another company.Fragmentation - A piece broken off or detached.Development - The act or process of growing or progression. Budget - An itemized summary of expected income and expenditure of a country or company
Citizenship - The condition or status of a citizen, with its rights and duties

Duty: A task or action that a person is bound to perform for moral or legal reasons
Skeptical: Not convinced that something is true; doubtful
Seafaring: The act of travelling by sea
Outskirts: Outlying or bordering areas as of a city
Profitable: Affording gain
Hierarchy: A system of persons or things arranged in a graded order
GDP: Gross domestic product
CAP: Common Agricultural Policy
CFP: Certified Financial Planning Board of Standards.

domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Things i can do to change the change climate

- I can close the  sink when i brush my teeths
- I can take the bus instead of the car
- I can recycle the papper , plastic etc..
-Turn of the ligth when i dont use the room
-Turn of the blinds instead of turn on the ligths
- Take a shower intead of a bath
- Don ´t  trhow the rubbish to the street