domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013


It ´s not my cup of tea : if something you don t like much we use this espression 
I wouldn ´t do it for all the tea in China : We use this expression if there´s somethings we would never do it
Its as good as a chocolate teaptot : we use this expression if somethings is complety useless

He´gonne bananas : In english if someone is very emotional and start shouting and he huing in a crazy way.
Its a casa of sour gropes : In english if somebody pretends not to be impressed by something because she / he have jelous we use this expression
A second bite of the cherry : In English if we try too do something a second a thing because we failed finist , we use this expression.

There are plenty more fish in the sea : It means that there are other choices in a sitiuation , it is ofter said to comfort someone who had a romantic break up
The icing on the cake : it is used to refer to something good witch is added to  an already good thing on situation
It ´s just not cricket : is used in English yo say is dishonest 
To toy with ( some body or something ) : means not to take something s feeling seriusly 
A toyboy : is the younger boy freind of an older person.
Like a ton of bricks : it is used to express something that is very heavy this expresion can be used  for are over wegth or idiomatically.
To fly the nest : means to leave your parents home for thefirst time go and live somewhere else
A nest egg : is an amount of money you have saved in the future 
I wasn ´t born yesterday : if someone  try to lie you , ypu can use this expression 
To have a whale of a time : means to have a lot of jun while doinging something
Size of a whale : it is and impolite way of saying thay are lurge and overwheit.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Welcome to my blog

Hi guys what s up ! Welcome to the best blog in the bilingual project !
In this blog I write the things that Ascen say because she is my favorite teacher and a lot of vocabulary because I love english  see you soon people!!
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